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Landscape Map Exporting and Image Tricks (via the Print Window)


In Terrain Navigator Pro, the Print window is also used to export (or "save") maps/aerial photos in PDF, JPG, KMZ, and other image formats. A common window is used to perform printing and exporting, as they are very similar operations. However there are some inherent differences that you should be aware of.

Print Preview vs. Export Preview

As soon as you decide that you wish to export a map as an image file, set the preview to "Export Preview". This is accomplished by pressing the Export Preview button near the top of the Print window (underneath the large Close and Help buttons.) Pressing Export Preview reconfigures the Preview area so that it will represent the results of when the Export button is pressed (as opposed to the Print button.)

Setting an Image Type

In the Print window, open the Printer/File tab. Since you will be Exporting a map as an image file (PDF, JPG, KMZ, etc.) focus on the second area of the Printer/File tab - Exported Image Layout.

Set the Save as type to the desired image format. PDF, JPG, and KMZ are the most commonly used. Next, specify the dimensions in either Inches (using Width, Height, and DPI) or Pixels.

Exporting a "Landscape" Image

Unlike a printed page, which has a portrait or landscape orientation, image files, by their very nature, are always "top up". So to create a landscape effect on an image, set the width to be larger than the height. For example, in the Dimensions (image) section set the Width to 11 inches and the Height to 8.5 inches to create a "landscape" 8.5"x11" image.

Further Refinements

Just as when Printing, the Preview window will now accurately portray the finished image. Use the Properties and Pages tabs to refine the page by adding, deleting, positioning, and resizing the page blocks. When satisfied, press the Export button to save the map/photo image into the desired format.

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