TNP Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)
52 results found
1 vote
Add DEM elevation values on the 30m x30m grid and contours
Add DEM elevation values on the 30m x30m grid using public domain sources such as NASA. Also add contours.
1 vote -
Add "Track Up" feature for TNP mobile app
TNP should offer a track up feature on the mobile app - much easier for SAR operations
3 votes -
1 vote
At the center of map, show coordinates at the bottom screen or top like it does on the desktop version
1 vote -
Compass Bubble
Please incorporate a centering/leveling bubble to your compass. It improves accuracy significantly.
1 vote -
Calculate acreage
The app needs to auto calculate a track when you go around a field. Very similar to a garmin gps has a acreage calculator button
6 votes -
Audio files
Audio files you record with app need to be in MP3 format
1 vote -
Include always on status bar in TNP Mobile
Add a status bar that shows current location and Township info and you could nearly eliminate the need for a GPS in most cases.
3 votes -
Position averaging for new markers
Adding a feature to allow averaging mobile device data to increase marker accuracy would be great. Something giving the functionality of....
Within the TNP mobile app.
2 votes -
Add Polygon tool to the mobile app.
You pop a marker and you can track on the mobile app. Need to be able to calculate acres in the field by going around a field and show acres on the app
12 votes -
Display marker names next to symbols
I'd like to be able so see the marker names next to the symbols as in the desktop app. I do a lot of pre planning before i go out and give the markers specific names that help me know where I am, and to jog my memory to refer to other documents for detailed information on points of interest , etc along the route.
2 votes -
Unique color for current track
This is a simplified version of the suggestion to display all tracks in the same colors that are assigned on the computer. If that idea is too complex for the mobile software, using a unique color for the current would be a very helpful compromise.
5 votes -
Add compass bearing info to photos
If the compass bearing of each camera shot were recorded, multiple features could be identified from a distance without the need to occupy the points.
2 votes -
Allow for a track rename upon "END"ing tracking
If a searcher uploads a track to a PC from a mobile device in the field, there needs to be no ambiguity as to which track this is. Most teams have strict naming conventions that are a function of the assignment number, team number, etc.
3 votes -
Compass while using the map
It would be a lot easier if you had a compass bearing while you have the map screen up
8 votes -
Display location when not recording a track
The app doesn't display my position (lat/lon) unless a track is being recorded. I'd like to see it all of the time.
11 votes -
Allow TNP desktop to download maps
I'd like to use the TNP desktop software to load up my SD Card with the maps and photos I want. Any way you could add that?
9 votes -
Sync marker types with the desktop
Marker options (display name, icons, etc) and the ability to set how they appear on the mobile version in the marker menu/default menu within the desktop application would make use of projects with multiple marker types possible. One example where this would be vital is a project area with a bunch of wells, active wells/inactive wells/wells to be sampled might each be a different color or marker.
9 votes -
Range/Bearing Tool
The RBL tool in the desktop app is great. I'd like to have that same tool on the mobile app.
7 votes