TNP Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)
52 results found
Include always on status bar in TNP Mobile
Add a status bar that shows current location and Township info and you could nearly eliminate the need for a GPS in most cases.
3 votes -
Position averaging for new markers
Adding a feature to allow averaging mobile device data to increase marker accuracy would be great. Something giving the functionality of....
Within the TNP mobile app.
2 votes -
Add Polygon tool to the mobile app.
You pop a marker and you can track on the mobile app. Need to be able to calculate acres in the field by going around a field and show acres on the app
12 votes -
Display marker names next to symbols
I'd like to be able so see the marker names next to the symbols as in the desktop app. I do a lot of pre planning before i go out and give the markers specific names that help me know where I am, and to jog my memory to refer to other documents for detailed information on points of interest , etc along the route.
2 votes -
Add compass bearing info to photos
If the compass bearing of each camera shot were recorded, multiple features could be identified from a distance without the need to occupy the points.
2 votes -
Unique color for current track
This is a simplified version of the suggestion to display all tracks in the same colors that are assigned on the computer. If that idea is too complex for the mobile software, using a unique color for the current would be a very helpful compromise.
5 votes -
Allow for a track rename upon "END"ing tracking
If a searcher uploads a track to a PC from a mobile device in the field, there needs to be no ambiguity as to which track this is. Most teams have strict naming conventions that are a function of the assignment number, team number, etc.
3 votes -
2 votes
Compass while using the map
It would be a lot easier if you had a compass bearing while you have the map screen up
8 votes -
When you click on the search button and put in the UTM's you should be able to click a button to Goto coordinates
4 votes -
Add "Do not Synchronize" function
The app is always trying to synchronize, whether or not there is a good connection. I'd like to be able to turn off synchronization (temporarily) when I know I'm going to be offline for a while.
5 votes -
Add Synch Now button.
I never know when the mobile app is going to synchronize. Please add a "Synchronize Now" button somewhere that is easy to find.
11 votes -
Non-Internet Synchronization
I want to synchronize my desktop and mobile projects without relying on an Internet connection. I'm not even sure that would be possible to use local WiFi, a cable, bluetooth or something.
1 vote -
Allow TNP desktop to download maps
I'd like to use the TNP desktop software to load up my SD Card with the maps and photos I want. Any way you could add that?
9 votes -
Increase max zoom level
I like to really zoom in on topos and photos - even if they look fuzzy. Can you make it so that I can zoom in without changing to another map type?
3 votes -
Add "Download All Tiles" for a specific area.
Being able to work without an Internet connection is a big must. I know how you can cache maps to the device - but I'd like to streamline that process. In other words, give me EVERYTHING (all tiles, resolutions, formats) for a given area.
1 vote -
Copy/paste markers and tracks between projects
I'd like to be able to copy and paste layers (markers, tracks, etc.) from one project to another within the mobile app.
3 votes -
Range/Bearing Tool
The RBL tool in the desktop app is great. I'd like to have that same tool on the mobile app.
7 votes -
Bearing to Marker
I want a data display that indicates the bearing (in True, Magnetic, or UTM Grid North) to the marker I am going to.
6 votes -
Display location when not recording a track
The app doesn't display my position (lat/lon) unless a track is being recorded. I'd like to see it all of the time.
11 votes