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Attaching Maps to an Email

There are many ways to create a map suitable for emailing from Terrain Navigator Pro. Use the following steps to attach a map to an email - using the method that best suits your needs. 

Method 1: PDF Export
1. Start Terrain Navigator Pro and position the map on the screen as you would like it to appear in the email.

2. Open the File menu and choose Print/Publish Map.

3. At the top of the Print window, press Export Preview.

4. In the Printer/File tab, under "Exported image layout" set the "Save as type" to PDF file.

5. Adjust the page to meet your expectations. If you want a map without any margins or extra page blocks, try the Map Only template (in the Templates tab.)

6. Once satisfied, press Export to create the PDF file.

7.  Start your email program and compose your email. Use the 'Attachment' feature of your email program to attach the .PDF file that was saved in step 6. Send the email with this file attached.

Method 2: JPG Export
1. Start Terrain Navigator Pro and position the map on the screen as you would like it to appear in the email.

2. Open the File menu and choose Print/Publish Map.

3. At the top of the Print window, press Export Preview.

4. In the Printer/File tab, under "Exported image layout" set the "Save as type" to JPG file.

5. Adjust the page to meet your expectations. If you want a map without any margins or extra page blocks, try the Map Only template (in the Templates tab.)

6. Once satisfied, press Export to create the JPG file.

7. Start your email program and compose your email. Use the 'Attachment' feature of your email program to attach the .JPG file that was saved in step 6. Send the email with this file attached.   

Method 3: Copy and Paste (if supported by the email client)
1. Start Terrain Navigator Pro and position the map on the screen as you would like it to appear in the email.

2. Open the 'File' menu and choose 'Export, Copy to Clipboard'. This places the map shown on the screen in the Windows 'Clipboard' which can be accessed by other applications.

3. Start your email program and compose your email. Choose Paste (usually from the Edit menu) to insert the image into the email. (Note that not all email applications and services allow pasting of images directly into an email.)

Method 4: Copy and Paste (using another application to save the attachment)  
1. Start Terrain Navigator Pro and position the map on the screen as you would like it to appear in the email.

2. Open the 'File' menu and choose 'Export, Copy to Clipboard'. This places the map shown on the screen in the Windows 'Clipboard' which can be accessed by other applications.  

3. Start the Windows 'Paint' Accessory. (This is in All Programs, Accessories)

4. Open the 'Edit' menu in Paint and choose 'Paste'. This will take the map off of the Windows Clipboard and put it into a Paint document.

5. Open the 'File' menu in Paint and choose Save As. Save the image as a .JPG file in a location that you will remember (such as 'My Documents'.) Close Microsoft Paint.

6. Start your email program and compose your email. Use the 'Attachment' feature of your email program to attach the .JPG file that was saved in step 5. Send the email with this file attached.

Note that you do not have to use Microsoft Paint as the vessel for including the map in a file. You can also Paste a map into any image editor (such as Adobe Photoshop) or word processor (such as Microsoft Word.) Some email programs will even allow you to Paste the map straight into the email.

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