General Questions (FAQs) and How-To Answers

  1. Getting Started with Terrain Navigator Pro

  2. Coordinates: Definitions and Overview

  3. What are Layers? What's the difference between markers, routes, tracks, etc.?

  4. Organizing Layers with Projects

  5. Managing Projects, Splitting the Default Project, Project Synchronization to TNP Mobile/Web, and Other Tips

  6. How do I obtain an area measurement?

  7. Street Layer. Can I turn it off? What about updates/inaccuracies? (And other common questions)

  8. What is a MapPack and how do I use it to show photos when TNP has no Internet Connection?

  9. Transferring Project Layers to a new PC

  10. Making maps with TNP for use in Avenza and other GeoPDF apps.

  11. Red Triangles on the maps. Can I toggle them off? (And other common questions)

  12. Apple Mac OS and Terrain Navigator Pro

  13. How to Disable Registration and Subscription Renewal Notices

  14. Adding Land Use, Boundaries, and other GIS Information to TNP

  15. Using Existing Markers to Create a Route in TNP

  16. Creating (or Projecting) Routes via Bearing/Distance (metes and bounds) - by Azimuth or Quadrant bearings.

  17. Adding Waypoints within a Route; Appending Routes Together

  18. My Markers, Routes, etc., are way too big (or too small.) What's going on?

  19. Attaching Maps to an Email

  20. How do I make TNP open my map every time it starts?

  21. Recording 3-D Video Clips

  22. Keyboard Shortcuts

  23. Error Loading Polygon or Error Loading GeoPin when TNP starts.

  24. TNP System Requirements

  25. What Are the Benefits Included in the Annual Subscription?

  26. What is the difference between the 90-day and 1-year TNP Subscriptions?

  27. Video and Printer Driver Updates: How to apply them to improve Terrain Navigator

  28. Repairing a Corrupt Map Engine (black maps, not responding, etc.)

  29. Google Earth doesn't interface properly with TNP

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