Google Earth doesn't interface properly with TNP
The article below applies to TNP 12.
TNP 12.2.1 is fully compatible with version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro.
Support for other (older or newer) versions of TNP, and/or alternate versions of Google Earth (Pro) is not available.
When Google releases updated versions of Google Earth Pro, they may make adjustments that can affect the compatibility with Terrain Navigator Pro (as well as other applications.) In fact, our tests have shown that some versions of Google Earth have many other compatibility issues, including some that are completely independent of Terrain Navigator Pro.
This can be illustrated when Google Earth appears not to be installed, or system messages appear that attempt to reinstall Google Earth, or a variety of other system oddities. Thus, whenever Google Earth Pro does not appear to be synchronizing properly with Terrain Navigator Pro, we recommend uninstalling Google Earth Pro, and installing (or reinstalling) the previous version.
On May 7, 2020, Google removed/disabled their application linking functionality in version 7.3 of Google Earth Pro (version 7.3.3) - breaking its compatibility with Terrain Navigator Pro. Until Google rectifies this, if ever, we recommend using an older 7.3.2 version of Google Earth Pro.
This can be illustrated when Google Earth appears not to be installed, or system messages appear that attempt to reinstall Google Earth, or a variety of other system oddities. Thus, whenever Google Earth Pro does not appear to be synchronizing properly with Terrain Navigator Pro, we recommend uninstalling Google Earth Pro, and installing (or reinstalling) the previous version.
On May 7, 2020, Google removed/disabled their application linking functionality in version 7.3 of Google Earth Pro (version 7.3.3) - breaking its compatibility with Terrain Navigator Pro. Until Google rectifies this, if ever, we recommend using an older 7.3.2 version of Google Earth Pro.
We have no immediate plans to adjust TNP's convenience link to work with version 7.3.3 (or later) of Google Earth Pro, if it is even possible to do so. Instead, we will continue to provide high resolution satellite images and aerial orthophotos, while supporting the import and export of KML/KMZ files for compatibility with Google Earth Pro (and similar applications.) (Use TNP's File menu to import and export markers, routes, and tracks for sharing with other applications.)

Step 2:
Note: We have reports that sometimes the "Google Update Core" may not be listed in the Startup tab. If this is the case, simply proceed to step 3.
Step 3:
Step 4:
Use Services to disable both of the Google Update Services:

Step 5:
Open Windows File Explorer and browse to this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\
Locate the "Update" folder and rename it to "DoNotUpdate" (or something similar.)
Google Update Services is now disabled on this PC. No further updates for Google products (including Google Earth Pro and the Chrome web browser) will be applied to this PC automatically. All updates will need to be installed by direct download from Google's web site. It would be prudent to keep products all Internet-based products updated on a regular basis.
Step 6:
With Google Update Services disabled, use Windows Control Panel to uninstall version 7.3.3 of Google Earth Pro, and reinstall version 7.3.2. As of this writing, version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro is the only version fully compatible with Terrain Navigator Pro 12, and is available using the links provided earlier in this article.
Step 7:
As noted, updates (especially of a web browser, such as Chrome) are vital to the overall security of the PC. Keep your browser updated by downloading the latest version of Google Chrome from: on a regular basis. (Note that upgrading/installing Chrome, or any Google product, may re-enable their update service; thus, be prepared to disable it again using the aforementioned proceedure.)
TRIMBLE INC MAKES NO GUARANTEES IN REGARDS TO THIS PROCEDURE. These instructions are being provided as a service to computer enthusiasts who are willing and able to make such modifications at their own risk.
Our tests have shown that the version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro appears to maintain full compatibility with the current release of TNP 12. As of this writing, the free download for the version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro can be found at
How to Install a Compatible Version of Google Earth Pro
If you are running Google Earth Pro and having difficulty interfacing it with Terrain Navigator Pro:
- Use the Windows Settings/Control Panel to Uninstall Google Earth Pro.
Be sure to uninstall and re-download/re-install, as simply reinstalling the Google Earth Pro software does not re-establish the link between Terrain Navigator Pro and Google Earth Pro, nor will you receive the previous version. - Restart the PC.
- Download and install Google Earth Pro version 7.3.2, which is available at: - Click: Download a Google Earth Pro direct installer
Then either:
v7.3.2 for Windows (64-bit) - if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows
or v7.3.2 for Windows (32-bit) - if you are running a 32-bit (x86) version of Windows. (Note: this is not common.) - If necessary, reapply the current update to TNP - see:
Now Google Earth Pro's maps should be controllable via the TNP interface window.
Google Earth Pro keeps updating to the latest version. Are you aware of any way to disable that?
As of this writing, there is no "easy way" to disable the automatic update feature in Google Earth Pro. Thus, you may need to reinstall version 7.3.2 on a regular basis to maintain compatibility with TNP.
As of this writing, there is no "easy way" to disable the automatic update feature in Google Earth Pro. Thus, you may need to reinstall version 7.3.2 on a regular basis to maintain compatibility with TNP.
I am an advanced computer user and understand the risks involved. Is there a "hard way" to disable Google's automatic updates?
Yes, this procedure (as found on various web sites, by doing a Google search, ironically) appears to disable updates for Google Earth Pro (and ALL Google products, including the Chrome web browser.)
How to Disable the Google Update Service
How to Disable the Google Update Service
Google has chosen to implement a "Windows Service" which is used to ensure all of their products (including Google Earth Pro and the Chrome web browser) have the latest patches applied - including security fixes and application enhancements. Google makes it difficult to disable these updates - in the interest of ensuring their customers receive these fixes and enhancements.
However, this service can not be configured to only apply certain application updates - it is all or nothing. This is frustrating as the version 7.3.3 release of Google Earth Pro is not compatible with the direct linking offered by Terrain Navigator Pro (and similar products, such as Garmin BaseCamp.) Thus, anyone who wishes to retain version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro (for compatibility) is forced to reinstall this older version periodically, unless the Google Update Service is disabled.
Should you wish to disable the Google Update Services:
Step 1:
However, this service can not be configured to only apply certain application updates - it is all or nothing. This is frustrating as the version 7.3.3 release of Google Earth Pro is not compatible with the direct linking offered by Terrain Navigator Pro (and similar products, such as Garmin BaseCamp.) Thus, anyone who wishes to retain version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro (for compatibility) is forced to reinstall this older version periodically, unless the Google Update Service is disabled.
Should you wish to disable the Google Update Services:
Step 1:
Right-click on the Windows Start Menu (or Taskbar.) Choose Task Manager.

Step 2:
In Task Manager, click More details (if necessary) then:
- Open the Startup tab.
- Select Google Update Core
- Press Disable.

Note: We have reports that sometimes the "Google Update Core" may not be listed in the Startup tab. If this is the case, simply proceed to step 3.
Step 3:
Use Task Manager to open Window Services:
- Open the Services tab in Task Manger.
- Press Open Services.
- Close the Task Manager window.

Step 4:
Use Services to disable both of the Google Update Services:
- Open the Standard tab (at the bottom of the Services list.)
- a. Locate and double-click on Google Update Service (gupdate).
b. Change the Startup type to Disabled.
c. Press OK. - a. Locate and double-click on Google Update Service (gupdatem).
b. Change the Startup type to Disabled.
c. Press OK. - Close the Services Window.

Open Windows File Explorer and browse to this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\
Locate the "Update" folder and rename it to "DoNotUpdate" (or something similar.)

Google Update Services is now disabled on this PC. No further updates for Google products (including Google Earth Pro and the Chrome web browser) will be applied to this PC automatically. All updates will need to be installed by direct download from Google's web site. It would be prudent to keep products all Internet-based products updated on a regular basis.
Step 6:
With Google Update Services disabled, use Windows Control Panel to uninstall version 7.3.3 of Google Earth Pro, and reinstall version 7.3.2. As of this writing, version 7.3.2 of Google Earth Pro is the only version fully compatible with Terrain Navigator Pro 12, and is available using the links provided earlier in this article.
Step 7:
As noted, updates (especially of a web browser, such as Chrome) are vital to the overall security of the PC. Keep your browser updated by downloading the latest version of Google Chrome from: on a regular basis. (Note that upgrading/installing Chrome, or any Google product, may re-enable their update service; thus, be prepared to disable it again using the aforementioned proceedure.)
TRIMBLE INC MAKES NO GUARANTEES IN REGARDS TO THIS PROCEDURE. These instructions are being provided as a service to computer enthusiasts who are willing and able to make such modifications at their own risk.
I have reinstalled Google Earth 7.3.2 and I am still unable to synchronize it with Terrain Navigator Pro. Is there something else I can try?
Yes. We have had customers report that User Access Control (also referred to as "UAC") settings can cause issues with the Google Earth synchronization feature of Terrain Navigator Pro. Thus, if Google Earth will not start from within Terrain Navigator Pro, try disabling the UAC in your copy of Windows.
To adjust the User Account Control settings in Windows, click the Start button, type UAC in the search bar and press Enter. Set the control to "Never Notify" and press OK.
Yes. We have had customers report that User Access Control (also referred to as "UAC") settings can cause issues with the Google Earth synchronization feature of Terrain Navigator Pro. Thus, if Google Earth will not start from within Terrain Navigator Pro, try disabling the UAC in your copy of Windows.
To adjust the User Account Control settings in Windows, click the Start button, type UAC in the search bar and press Enter. Set the control to "Never Notify" and press OK.
Important Note
Google reserves the right to modify, refine, and enhance their (free) application. It is possible that these changes will cause the link between Google Earth Pro and Terrain Navigator Pro to no longer function properly (as has occurred with the release of Google Earth 7.3.3.) When this occurs, we may attempt to correct this incompatibility in the next release of Terrain Navigator Pro. However, if the scope and/or nature of this repair is extensive, or Google has removed the functionally altogether, this "fix" may not be possible.