Login Error: "Exceeded Device Limit"
In the event that TNP is activated on a third device (or the device has changed by resetting it) then an "Exceeded Device Limit" message will appear.
This can easily be rectified by logging into your TNP account.
1. Log into https://terrainnavigator.com/Customer/Login using your Username and password. If these credentials have been forgotten, you will find them in the TNP software by opening the File menu and choosing Preferences, Subscription and User Account.
2. Once logged in, click Account
3. Click Software Entitlements
4. Click the Trash Can icon to the right of the mobile device(s) no longer in use.
You will now be able to log into the TNP Mobile app (using the same username and password) on a new mobile device.
I am an Administrator for an Enterprise Edition of Terrain Navigator Pro. Are the steps different and can I delete entitlements on behalf of my users?
1. Log into https://terrainnavigator.com/Customer/Login using the Username and password of the Administrator for the account.
1. Log into https://terrainnavigator.com/Customer/Login using the Username and password of the Administrator for the account.
2. Click Administration
3. Click Users
4. Click the Username of the individual who is unable to install/log into the TNP Mobile App.
5. Click Entitlements (under that username)
6. Click the Trash Can icon to the right of the mobile device(s) no longer in use.
7. The user will now be able to log into the TNP Mobile App on a new mobile device.