Rotate Marker Names
Occasionally, I want to label my marker text at an angle, rather than straight across.
Sam Chan commented
How about an option to have the marker name in the SE or NW quadrant? That should help keep the marker name from covering other items on the map.
Catherine Ciofalo commented
I agree that being able to specify marker text placement would be useful. My maps get very cluttered and often marker text is obliterated by other markers. Also, I use an arrow to indicate the precise position of an article on the ground; having the text offset in SE quadrant is confusng to my users. Having to specifiy quadrant and/or angle would be acceptible. Dragging would be better.
It would have to be more complex than setting an angle. In essence you need to be able to pick a quadrant to base the marker/waypoint name from. (Currently it is in the southeast quadrant.) Then you would need to set an angle (or just 0deg and 45 deg.) from that quadrant.
It's tricky to do well, which is why it hasn't been added - yet. (But please, keep the comments, ideas, and "votes" coming.)
Bill Neve commented
This would be great to allow for rotation of labels in the same manner as markers.