AdminEd Lecuyer
(Technical Product Manager, Terrain Navigator Pro)
My feedback
47 results found
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment While this specific feature didn't "make the cut" for TNP 12 (to be released April, 2019), we did solve the basic issue of legibility of Polygon labels. In TNP 12, you can now specify a text color as well as a text background color (or keep it transparent.) This will allow the text to "stand out" against any background. Moreover, TNP 12 has new transparency options for the fill area - so that you can design the effect you want and have a legible text label. Finally, we added a couple of additional polygon label options, including Name/Area.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment We are looking for a IT professional who is familiar with these requirements and is willing to work with us to provide a solution. If you are in need of this feature, and able to work with us to get it implemented, please contact us.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment While Kentucky single zone can not be used for georeferenced export of USGS topo maps or aerial orthophotos, any projection/coordinate system can be used in TNP when importing GIS shapefile/DXF data sets. For details, please see:
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Allen
You can specify any scale you wish in the Print window, including 1:24,000/25,000 and 1:50,000. Simply type the scale in that you wish rather than selecting one from the list of predefined viewing scales. Then press Update to apply that scale to the preview window and the map being printed/published.An error occurred while saving the comment Templates are specifically designed to be independent of page-specific properties - such as map type and scale. This allows them to be used freely regardless of the map type, or output device (printer, PDF, JPG, etc.) The setting of a print scale preference (with an option to default to the view scale as it is now) is more practical. Closely tied to this would be a set of default print scales that differ from the view scales. Conventional scales (1:24,000, 1:100,000 etc.) would be offered as choices in the print window's drop-down list instead of the odd viewing scales.
72 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment TNP 11 has been pushed back for an early November release.
The selection tool in TNP 11 will allow limited bulk operations over a geographic area, such as show/hide all layers [markers, tracks, etc.] and exporting all markers/routes/tracks within the selected area. It will not (yet) support bulk editing operations (such as "Make all markers green")
An error occurred while saving the comment We are making *some* progress on the multi-editing feature. TNP 11 (due out in early 2016) will have a new "selection tool" which will be needed to select map areas for certain operations. [I'd rather not get into details yet, because we are still working out the design.] Eventually, we can use that tool to perform multi-edit operations on layers. However, as I noted previously, we can't support mult-edit operations until we rework "Undo"; which we can't do until we re-implement all the layers into a common code format; which we can't do until we finish TNP 11.
So that's the honest status as of this moment.
An error occurred while saving the comment Unfortunately, I don't have anything new to report on this feature. We are finishing up version 10.4 - which will have a completely new "Units" preference that allows the specification of a wide variety of measurements for length/distance, height/elevation, and area. This required a whole pile of changes "under the hood" but I think everyone will be very pleased with the results.
Our next big release is version 11, and I can't publicly disclose its feature set. However, it also contains a major reworking of the core engine inside TNP, which will allow flexibility and growth in the years to come,
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes. We do read these comments and "votes".
We have talked *at length* about adding this feature. It sounds very easy to implement, until you consider "undo".The way the undo is currently implemented in TNP is "single level". In other words, it only keeps track of the last operation performed. If we hooked up multi-edit, whenever Undo was chosen, it would only undo the last individual change. In other words, if you changed 5 markers to be green, then undo, you would have 4 markers green and one back to its original color.
To fix this, we'd have to rewrite undo, which is a big job - but one we want to do. So we are waiting for the resources to rewrite undo, then we can deal with multi-selection/multi-editing.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes. That is our intent. We'd also like to add true "grouping" of layers so that some markers, routes, tracks, etc. can be "grouped" together for easy show/hide toggling, copying to clipboard, and other similar functions.
AdminEd Lecuyer (Technical Product Manager, Terrain Navigator Pro) shared this idea ·
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment To use the Garmin 64 as a live tracking device, please configure the Garmin 64 to be in "Spanner" mode: will allow you to choose two modes of operation when the GPS is connected to the PC. "Mass Storage" mode is for transferring markers, routes, tracks, and maps. The other general connection mode is for live tracking. Use this mode, along with the Garmin GPSMap 62s USB setting in Terrain Navigator Pro to display your position in real-time in TNP.
An error occurred while saving the comment Note: While not officially supported, we have determined that the use of the GPS Setup setting in Terrain Navigator Pro for the Garmin GPSMap 62s is fully compatible with the GPSMap 64. In Terrain Navigator Pro, open the GPS menu, choose Setup (not GPS Setup Wizard) and select the Garmin GPSMap 62s USB as the unit to connect TNP with the Garmin 64 GPS.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment (However, that does not work for Polygons.)
True. But you can control the stacking order for polygons... right click on a Polygon and choose 'Send to Back' or 'Bring to Front'. Eventually, we will add this feature to all types of layers.
1 vote
We reached out to GoTenna several times when they first announced their product – asking if they were planning a Windows API so that we could interface to it and use it in our Team Tracking module. They never responded to us.
Anyone who would like to see this functionality should contact GoTenna and to let them know that you desire compatibility with Terrain Navigator Pro, so that they will consider partnering with us.
An error occurred while saving the comment (FWIW, I had already signed up for the development newsletter months ago. We never received anything.)
51 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I should also point out that you can use ANY character available as a TrueType font as a marker symbol or line style symbol in Terrain Navigator Pro. If you install a TrueType font onto your computer that contains the symbology you are looking for, then that font will be available under System Fonts in the window where symbols are chosen.
An error occurred while saving the comment Actually, we were talking about this today to see what we could do to expand the line offerings in TNP version 10.0 and beyond. No promises, but your votes are being heard.
An error occurred while saving the comment I wouldn't say that there isn't a demand. There is certainly some demand as this idea thread shows. However, the issue is where we put our development resources.
Personally, I would like to see us add many new line styles. We are currently reworking our layer engine in TNP - the first new tool to use this engine will be Polygons, coming very soon in version 9.5. Eventually we will expand and improve this layer engine, and create updated route, track, markers, etc. that can support all kinds of new features.
AdminEd Lecuyer (Technical Product Manager, Terrain Navigator Pro) shared this idea ·
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment To save one step, if you frequently start by creating (or opening) a project would be to turn off the "Show at Startup" option of the Open Map window. This will speed up the loading process slightly, then you can go directly to Layers, Manage Projects to open the desired project (or create a new one.)
An error occurred while saving the comment I combined all related ideas for a new way to manage projects into this one. Unfortunately, it's not as easy to make these sorts of changes. For example, to add a "Open Project" button to the toolbar we would need to remove an existing button (otherwise the toolbar will not fit on a minimum display.) What it really boils down to is that we need to rework the TNP interface - which is something we want to do as time and resources permit.
That said, please feel free to "vote" for this feature - and share your ideas on how you would like it to work.
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment You can export topographic maps and aerial photos in other geo-referenced formats, including GeoTIFF and JPG/JWG. Open the File menu and choose Export, Active Map (or Multiple Maps.) Here you will be able to set up full custom reprojection for your maps, and save them in a variety of formats. This is far more flexible and usable than GeoPDF, which is not a data format as much as a map presentation format.
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Related: Add Copy To Clipboard to Edit Tracks (and all Edit) windows.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I think, more accurately, this feature should be:
When a marker is created from another object (such as an overlay imported from a shapefile) set the GPS Name and the marker name as the same - unless the marker's name would exceed the GPS's naming restrictions. -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I broadened the "Find" suggestion to include ALL layer types, not just tracks. It is certainly something we have considered implementing.
However, you can see which end is which of a track. With the Track tool selected (outside of the Edit Tracks window) click on the track to select it. The "start" of the track will be indicated with a green dot; the "end" with a red dot.
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment One item that is often overlooked in TNP is the photo labeling. Like the street overlay, TNP includes the latest available - so the aerial photos are always labeled with current features and streets. In most cases, this produces a map that is more current and of higher resolution than the "US Map" series available from the USGS.
An error occurred while saving the comment Newer "traditional" hand-drawn USGS maps are not available because the USGS discontinued making them in the late 1990s. A few were updated by the USFS, but the vast majority date from 1980-1990.
Thus, like the USGS, we are now using current NAIP aerial photos with current street layers to produce maps. Those with our annual subscription receive photos and streets updates regularly.
We may consider adding the "US Map" topographic maps produced by the USGS as an alternate edition in Terrain Navigator Pro. These will have the same updates we provide (streets and photos) but with a few other features. However, they are significantly less detailed than the traditional hand drawn "quads."
AdminEd Lecuyer (Technical Product Manager, Terrain Navigator Pro) shared this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm not sure how a polygon resize operation would work.
Snapping to an existing polygon (or vertex) is something we would like to add as we continue to refine and improve the polygon tool.
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment In some states, infrared photos are available as alternate editions. We are hoping to expand the library of alternate edition photos (including infrared) in the coming year.
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment One tip would be to create an Overlay for a group of layers that are not often modified. Create a set of routes (or markers, or tracks) and Export them as a ShapeFile or KML file. Then import them back in (into the same, or different Project) as an Overlay. Then use the Edit Overlays window (Layers menu) to control their display, etc. Overlays can also be shown/hidden via View, Layer Size/Visibility.
AdminEd Lecuyer (Technical Product Manager, Terrain Navigator Pro) shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I worry a little bit about a preferences import/export. Some preferences could be machine specific (like an import/export directory) that might be different (or not present) on another machine. That could cause all sorts of issues. Also, this would reset the GPS settings - which could be a pain if one user has a GPSMap 60, and the other has a GPSMap 62 (or another combination of incompatible units.)
These are not insurmountable, but makes adding this feature not as trivial as it may seem.
27 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment While you can not currently create a new layer exactly on top of an existing one, version 9.5 (coming soon) will have some improvements in this regard.
Moreover, assuming that you are using the Route tool to create lines (and if not, please consider using it instead of the Track tool as it is far more flexible) you can create the first waypoint in the route in the area near where you want the line to start, then click and drag that waypoint to the desired position (including on top of any existing layer.) You can use this technique to create the exact effect that you desire. Once you are done with the route, edit it to hide waypoint name and symbols - if so desired.
Check the help topics on routes for more ideas and tips.
Note: Polygon text placement is automatic based on the shape of the polygon, etc. Adding manual placement would be best served by using a marker or label.