Add ability to edit Polygon text Style/Font
When using the Polygon tool the automated text values are perfect for labeling search segments. However, we run into the issue of the tiny black numbers being difficult to see on printed aerial maps. We would like the ability to edit the Style of the text in order to, at minimum, change the size and color.
Right now we workaround the issue by using Labels, but this carries its own problems and can be cumbersome.

Note: Polygon text placement is automatic based on the shape of the polygon, etc. Adding manual placement would be best served by using a marker or label.
Gary Phillips commented
The automatic lable of the polygon cant be edited except for the color. Would like to be able to edit font and be able to move the position of it on the map.
While this specific feature didn't "make the cut" for TNP 12 (to be released April, 2019), we did solve the basic issue of legibility of Polygon labels. In TNP 12, you can now specify a text color as well as a text background color (or keep it transparent.) This will allow the text to "stand out" against any background. Moreover, TNP 12 has new transparency options for the fill area - so that you can design the effect you want and have a legible text label. Finally, we added a couple of additional polygon label options, including Name/Area.
Garret Price commented
In line with Sam's comment, a text halo would make a huge difference in map readability on the aerial or satellite maps.
Robin Willhoite commented
Great idea, would add tremendously to the function.
K.C. Grimes commented
Suggestion that isn't a full fix but is better than nothing - similar to how Custom Grids can have 1 color for aerial maps and 1 color for topo maps, it would be great to have that as either (a) an option, or (b) automatic black/white for polygon text.
Sam Chan commented
I've encountered the same issue. The tiny black text disappears into the aerial. Allowing for a background color behind the text would help readability.