More Line and Marker Symbol Styles
You guys need more line styles. For example: double dashed lines (dirt road), double solid lines (road), alternating solid/hollow lines (abnd), barbwire fence x-x-x-, stone wall oooooo
Mannzee commented
More symbols to in-cooperate into my Forest Harvesting Maps would be greatly appreciated . Some examples : stone wall, bared wire,Iron pin,stone marker, granite marker, skid roads, stream directional flow,landing, forest types,landing area , etc
Bruce Watson commented
Provide topo map standard icons for use as marker symbols. For example, I've placed a marker on an obscure fence line that isn't displayed on the topo map, and I needed to add it to my TNP. I used instead a double arrow, but that was pretty clunky.
Clint commented
I would like to see them upgrade the symbols also. It would be nice to see a symbol for a culvert or a different one for a bridge. Highway symbol would be good also like stop and stop head
I should also point out that you can use ANY character available as a TrueType font as a marker symbol or line style symbol in Terrain Navigator Pro. If you install a TrueType font onto your computer that contains the symbology you are looking for, then that font will be available under System Fonts in the window where symbols are chosen.
Actually, we were talking about this today to see what we could do to expand the line offerings in TNP version 10.0 and beyond. No promises, but your votes are being heard.
Anonymous commented
Seriously no one else thinks this is good idea either. The program is great but 3000 of roughly the same character keys are not mapping icons. Anyone who make legit maps needs these line styles. I doubt it will take a lot from your resources since you already have some of these for Cal Fire.
I wouldn't say that there isn't a demand. There is certainly some demand as this idea thread shows. However, the issue is where we put our development resources.
Personally, I would like to see us add many new line styles. We are currently reworking our layer engine in TNP - the first new tool to use this engine will be Polygons, coming very soon in version 9.5. Eventually we will expand and improve this layer engine, and create updated route, track, markers, etc. that can support all kinds of new features.
amr commented
I second this I've been asking them to do this on a regular basis and they say there isn't a demand. We need more people to push this idea. This is basic map 101 stuff too.