Create geoPDF maps
I would like the ability to create/export maps in geoPDF format.

Jim Engel commented
As a forester, I trained my contract loggers, road builders and truckers to use Avenza and import GeoPDF maps. This is really easy for them and can all be done though smartphones. I changed jobs and lost my access to ArcMap. Currently with TNP I have to create a GeoTiff and then my contractors add all the layers that need to go in the map. Its very tedious for them to import all this together in Avenza.
Currently all our State and local forestry offices all put out GeoPDF maps for their timber bidders ease of viewing. Its time TNP added this function.
president commented
My organization (Niagara Frontier SAR) would also like to see the geoPDF format feature available. This would significantly enhance the utility of TNP in the current environment of portable Android and IOS devices. While we use TNP for SAR planning and map creation, we end up having to provide a paper map to searchers in the field in order to utilize the data. That is costly, time consuming and impractical in this era of GPS-enabled devices. If we could provide a geoPDF map that could be opened in Avenza, Off-Road Atlas or another similar program it would allow quicker and more efficient use of the original TNP map and mapping data in the field.
Anonymous commented
I know I can export maps as geoTIFF but this does not include any of the layers I have added.
What I'm trying to do is give a map with boundaries and skid trials (as layers) to our loggers. The easiest way for the logger to use this info seems to be Avenza, it's a app they are familiar with.
Bob -
Anonymous commented
Another vote for geo-pdf !!!
Trying to get our logging crews more info and Avenza seems like the easiest system to pass along maps I make in TNP, that is IF I could give them a geo-pdf. -
Anonymous commented
When is this going to happen? Sooner the better!
Aaron Lee commented
We use TNP for Search and Rescue operations. As such, we rely on it for saving lives. We have found however that no software has decent maps for "non-public" roads. We have found the most useful maps via the Avenza Maps software but it's only available for iOS and Android, not Windows. We need the ability to work with geo-ref PDF maps from sources like Oregon Dept of Forestry. These maps are much more complete as they're used by ODF to fight range / forest fires. Sadly, there is no support for these types of maps in TNP. As such, we are very limited in our ability to provide decent maps to our searchers. Please consider adding this capability soon. It will help save lives.
grett commented
My independent SAR group uses TNP as our mapping platform for callouts. I have been asked for Avenza compatible map layers by the Sheriffs we work with while in the field. It would be very helpful to be able to produce those layers from within TNP.
hood.mick commented
I work as a Forester for a State agency and also provide Forestry support to both the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. I deal with permanent agency staff as well as contractors. I am not exaggerating when I say that every field-going person I work with are using Avenza software and subsequently request geo-referenced pdf maps from me.
I actually have to send my shape files to co-workers and have them create the geo-referenced pdf's for me using arcview.
Mike Hupp commented
modify TN to create georeferenced PDFs that can be used in Avenza software
Michael Goodner commented
It is time to get on the train for geo-referenced PDF maps. I am starting to get lots of calls for geo-PDF maps for use with Avenza. Avenza is easy to use even for people who are not that techey.
Anonymous commented
When exporting geoTiff, etc it does not give you a map with Overlays, tracks, etc. I agree that a GeoPDF would be beneficial because it would provide a better product. (a stand alone map with title, legend, compass, layers, etc). Please reconsider a GeoPDF map product. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
OK ... It time to re-think the ability to export GeoPDF maps for use with programs like Avenza PDFmaps. This would only benefit TNP users.
After all, Avenza users can get most USFS topo map for free. I use TNP for both wildland fire and SAR operations. The ability to rapidly share digital maps helps improve efficiency and saves time.
I was a early user of TNP products (Maptech 2.0) and now use 10.4.2.
You can export topographic maps and aerial photos in other geo-referenced formats, including GeoTIFF and JPG/JWG. Open the File menu and choose Export, Active Map (or Multiple Maps.) Here you will be able to set up full custom reprojection for your maps, and save them in a variety of formats. This is far more flexible and usable than GeoPDF, which is not a data format as much as a map presentation format.
jay commented
What work around is there at this point? How can we get a geo-referenced pdf that works in programs like PDF Maps? In Arc Map I can just save as pdf and it is Geo-referenced. What can we do with TNP ? Thanks.