Keep Track/Marker/etc. dialog open when Find is pressed
When I append one track to another, I need to know which end is the start and end of each track. The only way I can do that with 10.2 is to use the Find Start and Find End button located in Edit Track. However, once I click the Find Start or Find End button, the Edit Track box will disappear. It would be nice to not have the Edit Track dialog box disappear after the I click Find Start or Find End.

Sam Chan commented
I like the red green marker feature. When I have a track selected in the Edit Tracks window, can that track be highlighted with the red/green endpoints? When I have a bunch of tracks on the map, this would help visually identify the track I am working with.
I broadened the "Find" suggestion to include ALL layer types, not just tracks. It is certainly something we have considered implementing.
However, you can see which end is which of a track. With the Track tool selected (outside of the Edit Tracks window) click on the track to select it. The "start" of the track will be indicated with a green dot; the "end" with a red dot.