Allow the "street name" layer within the "street layer" to be turned on and off
Right now I can turn the "street layer" on or off. But I cannot turn the "street name" within the "street layer" on or off. it is always on. It would be nice to turn the street name on or off. Right now if place a waypoint on a street, it can be obscured by the street name. The map can also become very busy by having waypoints or other map symbols and the street name. Another reason to turn off the street name is being able to export a clean map to use in a guide.

Version 11.04 of Terrain Navigator Pro – released 12/5/2017 includes this new feature. Not only can the street label and roadway be turned on/off independently, we’ve added color and sizing options too!
Matt Vanderveer commented
I agree with this. Also, the street names tend to be poorly aligned with the streets. It would be useful to be able to change the font size of the street names as they are too large now and cover up too much useful info such as the contour lines. The next needs to be similar to what is on the USGS quads which obscure things less.