Getting Started with Terrain Navigator Pro
Terrain Navigator Pro is a very versatile application for use in forestry, engineering, search and rescue/emergency management, and many other fields where the overhead of a complex GIS system is not needed. This Quick Start "cheat sheet" discusses the steps to accomplish some basic tasks.To View a Map:
1. Start Terrain Navigator Pro.
2. Open the Find menu.
3. Choose an item to locate (or use Search All Placenames)
4. Press Replace Active
5. Change the Map Type (on the tool bar) to switch between the different kinds of maps.
6. Change the Map Edition (on the tool bar) to switch between map variants.

7. Change the Map Scale to zoom in and out. Smaller numbers (like 1:4,514) provide much detail; larger numbers (like 1:72,000) provide less detail (but show more area.)
To Print a Map:
1. View that map (above.)
2. Open the File menu and select Print/Publish Map.
3. Press Print.
(For more options, see this YouTube video:
Note: While the video was created using an older version of TNP, its printing features have not changed substantially in many years.)
To Draw Points (singular landmarks like buildings, trees, fire hydrants. etc.):
1. View the map (above.)
2. Select the Marker tool

3. Click on the map at the desired location to place the Marker.
4. Right click on the marker and choose Edit. Name the marker and set its display properties (color, style, etc.)
5. When done with the Marker tool, switch back to the Drag tool

To Draw Property Lines, Boundaries, etc.:
1. View the map (above.)
2. Select the Polygon tool

3. Click on the map at each "corner" of the property. Do not "click and drag", but rather create a series of dots at each point where the boundary changes direction.
4. When the polygon is finished press Finish (in the upper left corner of the map.)
5. Right click on the polygon and choose Edit. Name the polygon and set its display properties (color, style, etc.)
7. When done with the Polygon tool, switch back to the Drag tool

To Calculate Acreage:
1. Open File, Preferences, Units. Ensure that the Primary Area Units are set to Acres.
2. Draw a Polygon (above.)
3. Right click on the Polygon, choose Infomation.
4. The Polygon's total area will be displayed in acres.
(For more area options, see: )
More Help
The help document integrated within Terrain Navigator Pro is very extensive. You will find a Help button in every window; press it to open the help documentation, then be sure to explore the various links and topics to learn more about TNP. The best place to get started is the series of topics "Getting Started: The Basics" which cover all of TNPs most often used features and functions. You can also access the help by opening the Help menu, and choosing Contents.Printed Manual
For those who prefer a printed manual, open the Help menu and choose Printable PDF Manual. This is an abridged version of the electronic help document and can be used to study all of the features that TNP has to offer.Video Tutorials and Online Blogs
Our YouTube channel has a number of instructional videos that illustrate how to accomplish basic tasks with Terrain Navigator Pro. For these, please see:
Online Knowledge Base
Our extensive Knowledge Base contains dozens of articles to help you make the most of TNP. While the same subject matter is also addressed in the help document, these articles are often written in direct response to common questions, and may contain updated information. Check out the complete Knowledge Base at:
And for some of our favorate "getting started" articles, we recommend:
What are Layers? What's the difference between markers, routes, tracks, etc.?
Organizing Layers with Projects
How do I obtain an area measurement?
Adding Land Use, Boundaries, and other GIS Information to TNP
Creating Routes via Bearing/Distance (metes and bounds) - by Azimuth or Quadrant bearings.
The printing features are overwhelming and seem very complex - what can I do?
How to Get Started with the TNP Mobile App and TNP PC Desktop