Make it clear that in many cases, the parcel data in your $99 state packages is extremely dated.
Just purchased the Oregon parcel package and when working with it for a few days, found that the data was current only through 2011. When I looked at it on the website, indicated it was coverage updated through 2015. My bad for not realizing that meant what it said - coverage, not data - and that by clicking on a state you will get the last update for the data. But I think you should make it more upfront on how to access this information. Probably would not have purchased had I known this upfront.

The Parcel Data purchase page indicates the approximate currency of the data. We may make this more prominent. Regardless, we receive and post data updates bi-annually. We have no way of predicting how long the various municipalities will update the ownership information, and when such updates will get processed by the data provider.
That said, most data is very current – and was updated within the last 2-3 years.
sbarott commented
By current, you need to look at parcel data within the past six months at most. Data 2-3 years old is not current.