Leaf off aerial photos.
In addition to or in place of the leaf on aerial photos, color leaf off aerials would show so much more detail. For example streams, skid trails and field edges can all be seen with leaf off photos but they hide under the canopy of the trees.

shenderson commented
Having the option off leaf off photos is key to using TNP for analyzing hardwood verses pine stands.
caver456 commented
our area spans elevation from a few hundred feet MSL to 9000' - google imagery was taken during the winter - bing and ESRI World Imagery were taken apparently in the late spring - a lot more useful! Both have 0.3m resolution which is the real win vs what's in there now - just pointing out that google doesn't win for everywhere.
Google Earth has a wider variety of photos available. However, their tool set is somewhat limited, in part, because of the licensing agreements Google has with the various public and private agencies that provide those photos.
We are in the process of making some additional photos available for Terrain Navigator Pro which will meet or exceed the quality available in Google Earth. Please keep an eye on our web site for this exciting news.
111rmp commented
Yes leaf off would be better, given only one choice of photos. Also the photos on google earth are so much better quality in terms of detail and zoom - why can't TNP have that quality of photos. I am constantly jumping back and forth and may just switch to google earth.