Add the polygon tool to the legend generator in printing.

The ability to use Polygons in the print legend Has been added in the 10.3 release of TNP, which is now available for download.
tazawislak commented
I want to personally thank you for adding the polygon tool into the print legend. This is something that will speed up every map I make. I will use this every time I use the program. Thank you for continuing to listen to your customers. TNP Rocks!!!
Anonymous commented
Thank You -- I will use this new ability on every map I make.
The polygon tool uses a whole different internal structure for representing and displaying lines and areas. This is why the polygon tool has many more colors and fill patterns than the other, older layer types (markers, routes, etc.)
Eventually, we hope to migrate the polygon functionality into the legacy layers, so that they too can enjoy the additional colors and options. At that time, if not sooner, we will revamp the print legend to support polygons (and any other new-style layers we come up with.)
Anonymous commented
Mr lecuyer
Yes we can do it manual but why should we?
Also there is 30 more color and designs in polygon menu but in fill menu their are far less colors to choose from.
Hard to match -
Anonymous commented
To answer Mr. lecuyer:
Markers, tracks, routes, everything EXCEPT polygons automatically works in legend generator.It would be be nice to add the only remaining thing to the legend generator
Anonymous commented
The issue is all about printing
The polygon tool is a game changer is speeding up drawing fields and burn units
What good is that speed on print end if i have recreate everything in the legend generator during printing. The best part of tnp is it easy of printing. With tracks i just hit legend generator add auto makes one based on your tracks. If you use polygon your out of luck. This was a oversight that needs correcting -
How would this differ from the functions already available to auto-create legends in the Print window coupled with the various fill options for closed routes and polygons?
A couple of corrections:
First off, polygons created with the polygon tool most certainly will print.
The only feature that is missing is that when you use the "auto generate legend" feature, any polygons in the map area must be added to the legend manually.
There is no need to convert it to a track, or anything else - in order to print the polygon, or to include it in the legend.
Frankly, we're surprised that its omission from auto-generate legend feature is causing a lot of interest. We are going to try to add this to the next release - but I can't promise it, yet.
Anonymous commented
Love the new polygon tool - but not useful unless it's fully functional - meaning needs to show up in the legend generator. I know you can convert to track - but if you want to use polygon you shouldn't have to convert to tracks JUST TO PRINT.
Anonymous commented
This would speed up the printing process
wade commented
Yes!!! This would be a great addition to TNP and will save a tremendous amount of time. Plus the maps would look better for presentations too with the variety of patterns and colors.
Julie Farris commented
Ditto to everyone's comments. Please add the polygon tool to the legend generator for printing.
david commented
As the Private Lands Supervisor for AGFC, adding this addition will greatly increase the usefulness of TNP for the 9 biologists that use it. Plus, our State Turkey Biologist uses TNP and adding this feature would also help him in his work.
tazawislak commented
Yes this is a major problem. Would be a major time saver if they fix this
You can still create a legend item for a polygon. Use the "Insert a new legend item" to add a "Fill" style legend entry.
We do want to add polygon detection to the auto-legend Generate feature - it will be included in a future release of TNP.
Anonymous commented
Yes it's a pain to convert track just for legend