Transitioning from MyTopo Map Pass (formerly Mapcard) to TNP
How to move your maps from Map Pass to Terrain Navigator Pro; including step-by-step instructions for getting started with, and learning TNP.
Map Pass (formally Mapcard) has been a MyTopo offering since 2004. It is built on antiquated technology that is not compatible with new operating systems, security software, and browsers. We recognize that many Map Pass customers have waypoints, markers, trails and saved in the Map Pass system. The following are detailed instructions to convert your information to a .gpx file so that it may be extracted from the Map Pass system (see Saving Map Pass Maps as .GPX files section) and how to transition to Terrain Navigator Pro, our best, and only, option.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that Map Pass will continue to be available after January 15, 2020, so please extract any data you want to continue to have access to ASAP. Terrain Navigator Pro is our software platform, a professional mapping system, that sells for $240.00 per year, per state. We offer all customers a 7 day free trial. We can extend the trial for Map Pass customers to allow 3 months of free access in order for you to determine if TNP is a viable solution for you and to allow you to continue to have access to a mapping program while you find an alternative to Map Pass.
Create a TNP Account
If you have not done so already, create your TNP account at:
Then contact to request an extension of your subscription past the 7-day trial period.
Download the TNP PC Software
Unlike Map Pass, which relies upon a web browser (Internet Explorer) and Java, Terrain Navigator Pro best functions as a stand-alone application for your PC. To download and install TNP on your PC, follow the instructions provided when your account is created, or simply download and run:
When prompted, enter the TNP Product ID that was emailed to you. The Product ID looks like: TNP-002-ABC-123-DOR-EMEUM
If the email containing your Product ID is lost, log in at with the TNP Username and Password you created when signing up for the trial. (Note that this is not the same as your MyTopo/Map Pass account.) Then click (1) Account, (2) Licenses, and the (3) Edit License (pencil) button to the left of the BaseSubscription license to expose your (4) Product ID.

Finally, confirm your TNP username and password (as was created when the TNP trial account was started.)
If assistance with your TNP account is necessary, please contact
Note that TNP is a large download; the length of time required varies, depending on the state(s) selected.
Getting Started with TNP
Terrain Navigator Pro is a feature-rich GIS-style application. It is a professional mapping system, and much more complex than Map Pass. Fortunately, help is always just a button away, and our support system contains hundreds of tutorials, videos, and common questions to help you make the most of your new mapping tool.
As noted above, TNP is not a web-based application like Map Pass. Instead, it is a full-featured stand-alone software application. As such, to start Terrain Navigator Pro, double-click its icon on your Windows PC desktop:

One great way to learn the bare basics of TNP is to look through this tutorial:
Another is to click the Help menu (at the top of Terrain Navigator Pro), then select Contents, and open the book (on the left) labeled: Getting Started: The Basics.
"Projects" vs. "Maps"
In Map Pass, each collection of layers (waypoints/markers, pencil lines/tracks, routes, polygons, and text notes) was saved as a "Map". This allows you to have several areas of interest, retained for future reference or refinement.
TNP refers to these collections of layers as a "Project". Each Project can contain hundreds of markers, tracks, routes, polygons, labels, etc. For a run-down of all the layer types possible in TNP, have a look at:
And to learn more about Projects, please see:
At this point, it may be best to experiment with the tools, layers, and projects available in TNP. Once you are familiar with these basic concepts, then take following the steps to remove any desired Maps from Map Pass and place them into TNP's Projects.
Saving Map Pass Maps as GPX files
To transfer the basics of your Map Pass Map layers to TNP (or any other application), use the GPS/Waypoints Map Action for each Map. Here's how:
1. Open the Map in Map Pass. Then click the GPS/Waypoints button on the right side under "Map Actions":

2. In the MapPass GPS Interface, click Download a GPX file:

3. When prompted, choose Process GPX File:

then click the file name, and save it:

This will save the basic layers (annotations) from the Map Pass Map into a .GPX file found in your downloads folder:

Now the GPX file is ready to be imported into TNP, or any other similar application.
Importing Map Pass Maps (GPX files) into a TNP Project
Once the GPX file is ready, bring it into TNP as a Project.
1. Launch the TNP PC software application, then choose Layers (or File), Manage Projects to open the Manage Projects window:

Press New to create a new project (ie: a blank map.)
2. If prompted, select the option to keep the new project exclusively on the PC. Then give the project a name:

The new project will now appear in your list of available projects. It is already the active project, so press Close to exit the Manage Projects window:

3. Now, import the desired layers from the GPX file into TNP. Note that only the basic portion of the annotation is transferred to the GPX file (and subsequently, TNP.) Simply put, only the points contained as a Waypoint/Marker, the lines drawn using the Pencil, the path created as a Route, or a shape indicated by a Polygon will be transferred. Colors, symbols, names, thicknesses, and text notes can not be shared outside of Map Pass.
To start, in TNP open the File menu, and choose Import, and either: Marker, Track, Route, or Polygon, depending on which new layer type you wish to bring into the active TNP project. For example, to transfer the Waypoint/Marker(s) present in the GPX file to TNP, open the (1) File menu, choose (2) Import, (3) Marker, then in the (4) Downloads folder, select the (5) GPX Exchange format, and the (6) GPX file:

4. The Waypoints/Markers present in the GPX file will now be added to the Active Project in TNP:

If necessary, use Layers, Markers to then Find or make edits to the individual markers that were on the Map Pass Map to best match the tools and capabilities present in Terrain Navigator Pro.
5. Repeat the process, as necessary, for: Tracks (pencil tool), Routes, and Polygons. (Text Notes are imported as Markers - but without any name.) Once a set has been imported, edit the individual layers (use the Layers menu to access each type of layer, and edit accordingly.) Alternatively, use the Right Mouse Button to click on any Layer object, then choose Edit.
For example, here is an edited Parking Lot displayed in TNP that was made from a Polygon exported from Map Pass:

Using Preferences to Set the Style of Imported Layers
When new layers (markers, routes, tracks, polygons) are created in TNP, their initial properties (color, size, etc.) are determined by that layer's Preferences. To set these, open File, Preferences, then Markers (or Routes, Tracks, Polygons, etc.). Here you can specify how you want each newly created layer object to appear. This includes when layers are imported from GPX files. Thus, for example, if you have a GPX file that contains several markers that you want to appear as red turkeys on the map, open File, Preferences, Markers; set the symbol style to a red turkey; then use File, Import, Markers to bring in the GPX file - which will now appear as red turkeys on the map.
Common Questions
Why are you discontinuing Map Pass?
Its core technology is no longer compatible with popular operating systems, security software and internet browsers.
Do you offer TNP for the Mac? How about web access to Projects?
While we do not offer TNP for the Mac directly, we do offer a web interface for access to TNP's projects. Log in at and click Projects. For more details, please see:
Note that the TNP PC software has the most features and is the best platform for creating maps in a fashion similar to those offered through Map Pass.
Why is Terrain Navigator Pro more expensive than Map Pass?
TNP is a full-featured solution for GIS-light applications. It is priced very competitively with similar products in its class. You get a lot of power in the TNP annual subscription, and we hope that you take full advantage of the tools you have at your disposal. For details on what exactly is included in the yearly subscription fee, please see:
TNP looks like a great tool for my business. Do you offer training on how to best use it in my profession?
Yes. In addition to online tools, instructional videos, and monthly webinars, we have a team of customer support professionals willing to help make sure you are able to successfully use the service. Email us at to arrange for a personal training session. (Of course, you can also email your questions to at any time, and we will be happy to assist you.)
The TNP subscription only covers one US state. I work across a much wider area. Can I access maps in more than one state?
Yes. Each state (or region such as New England or Mid Atlantic) is managed by its own subscription. A subscription to the entire US is available for $1200 per year. For details on how to add additional states to your subscription, please see: