Overlay Support (Shapefiles)
TNP desktop supports shapefiles through overlays. Any chance that you can add overlay synchronization to the mobile device?
Rich commented
I would think that as you get more clients like myself who work with land managers like the National Forest Service or BLM that the use of their GIS route data would become more important. For my use model, just getting the GIS route layer information to the mobile device is enough for now. If you were to do this in phases my recommendation would be: Phase 1-add the ability to do a mass conversion of overlay objects to routes that will then sync with the mobile app. For this one it appears that you need to provide filtering of the overlay points (reduce number of points) since a large number of route points makes the mobile app crash at present. Phase 2 - enable overlay object layers to be transferred to the mobile app without conversion to routes. Not a complete sync but enough to use overlay data for navigation. Phase 3 - complete sync that allows for collection of overlay objects on the mobile device that then sync with the desktop.