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TNP Desktop Software

117 results found

  1. Add field for dates for markers and tracks

    When you create a marker in field, location is auto-marked in a designated field. It would be helpful to have an automatically noted date field for the day the marker was created. This would likely be created in the mobile application, but also transferred to the PC application. Of secondary priority, having date information automatically noted with tracks would be helpful - as those are also created during date specific traverses.

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  2. Being able to put miltiple buffer strips around a stream.

    I would like to be able to put buffer widths around water bodies (lakes, streams, wetlands) and calculate the acreage. This is required on some forest practices rules in the Pacific Northwest. In addition, some states have multiple buffers, for example, Washington has three, an inner core of 30 feet, a middle buffer of 45 feet, and an outer buffer of 25 feet. Tree harvest regulations differ for each buffer.

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  3. Near IR aerial photography layer

    Natural Resource Managers would see a huge benefit to having near IR aerial photos to compare to regular aerial photographs in order to determine where stands dominated more by conifers differ from deciduos dominated stands.

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  4. I would like the ability to have a label point to more than one feature (e.g. >1 marker)

    I often need to have a label point to multiple features, such as one label point to two or more markers. Would be great to have this capability to clean up the project.

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  5. Different colors of tracks/markers/etc. for aerials vs topos.

    Add a feature to automatically toggle between different colors of tracks, markers, etc. for aerials vs. topo maps, like is currently available for Grid Lines. For example, white markers show up well on aerials, but not so well on topos.

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  6. Sending groups of markers to Google Earth.

    Be able to send groups of markers to Google Earth instead of having to send them one at a time.

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    This can already be done using a few steps, rather than a direct link:
    1. Use the selection tool to group your markers.
    2. Right-click on the selection boundary line (or center node) and choose Export Markers/Routes/Tracks within selection.
    3. Save the KML file, import the KML into Google Earth.

  7. Number Reset

    Be able to reset track/marker/polygon/route numbers within a particular project instead of only being able to reset numbers throughout all projects. Having a unique set of numbers (starting with "1") for each project would be helpful.

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  8. show only private land parcels

    Is it possible to show only privately owned parcels / sections in National Forests where most of the sections are USFS or BLM owned?

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  9. Display the PLSS [township range section] Custom Grid when the Primary Coordinate System is UTM or DMS

    Presently the PLSS custom grid only shows if the Primary Coordinate System is one of the township range section choices. Allow display when the Primary Coordinate System is UTM, DMS and other.

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  10. Add 1 inch = ____ feet scale check box option to the preformatted scale box that includes the scale bars and ratio scale checkbox option

    Where I was thinking would be handy is to have that scale-type option be included in the scale block that the software already has formatted, which currently contains a check box option to include the ratio scale and choices of bar scales. That check box would need a drop down menu of choices of 1 inch = ___ meters, etc to address the possible broad base of customer needs.

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  11. Be able to snap polygon boundaries when creating an adjacent polygon

    Would like to snap polygon boundaries when creating an adjacent polygon

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  12. After cutting a existing polygon, be able to create a new and separate polygon from it.

    Once you cut an new polygon, it uses the same name as the one you just cut. Want to create a new and separate polygon

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    When a polygon is cut, TNP already creates two separate polygons from the original. However, both polygons do share the same name (that of the original polygon.)

    For example, if you have a Polygon named “My Property”, splitting that polygon will result in two new polygons, both named “My Property”.

    We welcome specific suggestions as to how name the two new polygons. Should they be “My Property (1)” and “My Property (2)”? Should one stay named “My Property” and the other named something else (such as “My Property (2)” or whatever the default polygon name is? Or discard the existing name altogether?

  13. grid cross

    When printing maps, it would be great to be able to print just the gridline crosshairs where two gridlines would meet rather than the full gridlines. This reducing the number of possibly distracting lines on the map, but also provides users with access to the gridline locations (important for utm plotting, for example)

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  14. Be able to apply a template to existing objects like markers, tracks and polygons

    I know you can create templates in Preferences for new objects like markers, tracks, and polygons but I'd like to be able to apply that template to existing objects to keep them consistent across multiple projects.

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  15. Add rods to length units distance

    A rod (16.5 feet) is a unit of land measurement common in old deed records here in the north east.

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  16. Allow Pointer color to be changed

    It would be beneficial to be able to change the Map Pointer to a different color than white. Many times it is difficult to see where the pointer is because of a large amount of white in the map. If we could have the ability to change the pointer color it would be much easier to see.

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  17. Symbol size option in print menu

    When adding a symbol in a printed map legend, provide the editing option of increasing the symbol size.

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  18. Allow user to set order/hierarchy of overlays

    If you have more than one layer that occupy the same space, there is no way for the user to set which one appears on top of the other. TNP makes this choice for you, which can create a layer to be hidden under another when you want it visible. For example I have a shapefile for every trail in my state, and others for specific trails (ski, snowmobile, etc.) which I want to be able to choose to be layered on top of (thereby visible) the generic trail layer.

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  19. Provide ability to use What3Words coordinates

    What3Words at is being used by several countries and delivery companies to provide an exact (10x10m) location for directions when normal addresses don't work well. I see this as an awesome, easy to use alternative to USNG and would like to see it supported in TNP, if possible.

    For example, if I gave you this address:
    you would know to go to the front door of my work location instead of to the rear parking deck door. This coordinate system is getting more popular each day, especially for rural or highly congested locations.

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  20. When will we be allowed to be able to create our own bitmap symbols?

    When will we be allowed to be able to create our own bitmap symbols?

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    You can already use whatever you want as a marker symbol, if it is available as a Font on your system. There are lots of font libraries available for download that contain every type of symbol imaginable. However, it would still be nice to use a bitmap as a symbol in TNP, which we will consider as we continue to revise and improve the software.

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TNP Desktop Software


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