Add Opacity to Polygon settings
This is somewhat doable with Patterns, there being a series of patterns that range from essentially low coverage/clear to high coverage/solid. What would be ideal, however, is an Opacity option of the desired pattern. For instance:
Fill Properties (of a Polygon):
Pattern: Solid
Color: Red
Opacity: 50%
Background color: Transparent
Application of this would be for a visual presentation of Probability of Area, how likely it is for the search subject to be in that area. Would be able to set some Polygons (acting as search segment boundaries) as 90%, some at 75%, some down at 50%, and barely visible at 10% for low POA, etc.

Great news!
Thanks to your feedback, we have included this feature in TNP 12.0.
Those with an active TNP subscription can download the included update by running: