Add public and private land overlay
I would like to see a way to show various forms of public/private land on my map display on the TNP desktop.

Parcel layers are now available as a add-on tier for TNP 10.2. For details, please see:
vinceharris commented
yes landownership needs to work on windows
ZS commented
Having the private/public layer option to overlay the base maps would be a HUGE improvement and have a MAJOR benefit for everyone using TNP on their laptop or desktop. I coordinate a trust land program in CO for our State Wildlife branch and must post signs along the boundaries of close to 500,000 acres, totaling approx. 250 individual properties and this would be of significant help in my work. Having public/private layer for planning on my laptop version would be helpful beyond words can explain. It would also be a vast improvement and huge asset, once I've transferred property boundaries/routes and markers from my laptop TNP to my Garmin Rino 530Hcx handheld unit, to be able to have that same public/private map layer either as part of the baselayer saved in the SD Card, or as a layer that can be turned on/off and still saved on the SD Card. I have all topo maps for the whole state of CO saved on my SD Card and it only uses 4% of the 2GB capacity of my SD Card. Please, Trimble/Terrain Navigator, I strongly request and urge you to offer this public/private map layer as a downloadable update as part of the annual subscription, or as a separate update which must be purchased separately. Given the amount of property boundaries I must travel the entire state of CO to post signs on to help prevent trespass by hunters from seasonally public-accessed land onto adjacent private land. Yes, we do have our own GIS Group to create maps for our website, map files to be screen printed onto signs, and layers sent to me in the form of shapefiles which I can import to my TNP laptop software as overlays then converted to routes/boundary lines; BUT adding a private/public layer to TNP desktop and in a form that can be saved on a SD Card and used on all Garmin handheld GPS' which use an SD Card that works on the Garmin Interface would be a HUGE step forward in improving this product for not only those of us to use in the professional workforce, but for recreational uses as well (hunting, fishing, hiking, etc.) Thanks for the opportunity to add my opinion on this topic.
Steve commented
I just imported my own overlay to solve this issue.
Glenn commented
I believe this would be a valuable feature.
kevin winsor commented
I was excited to get your email about adding property boundaries to Terrain Navigator but was hoping it would be available for Garmin GPSMAP devices as well as Iphones etc. I manage a crew responsible for monitoring conservation easements and wilderness preserves. Part of the process is hiking the property boundaries looking for encroachment or other misuse. Recently i participate in a Webinar for Land Trusts with about 500 attendees. The large trusts use sophisticated survey grade GPS but there are hundreds of us that struggle with the high end handheld GPS units. It would be wonderful if topo maps with property boundaries on an SD card were available for Garmin GPSMAP units.
Alonzo Morado commented
I have a Private/Public Land Boundary SD Chip for the State of Washington by another company. The SD Chip will fit into 1 of my Garmin GPS Units. The other Garmin Unit does not have chip capability. The biggest problem I have with it is that it interfaces with a specific desktop mapping program only but does not allow one to copy those maps to my GPS Units. I really like the ability to copy map regions to either GPS unit using a desktop mapping software program. The ability to identify your position in relation to Private Land is a huge plus out in the field. I just wish it could be made to be more user friendly with desktop mapping software programs out there.
Rollie Montagne commented
For those of us who operate with desk top TNP software and print our location and land navigation maps for orientation, location and trespass avoidance, land ownership knowledge would be a major help in gaining possible access contacts and avoiding trespass conflicts
Michael Curtis commented
I just purchased and installed the boundaries/ownership software on my iPhone 5s for use in TNP Mobile and several Trimble apps. Looks good. However, I would like to see the same ability to load & use this on my desktop running TNP. Also, is there a way to get the detailed GPS data points which make up a specific private parcel? We have a 550 acre tract for hunting in west Texas. I would like to take these property boundary data points, and actually plot the GPS points so we can mark and fence our boundaries. It appears existing fence lines do not exactly match your property boundary lines, of by as much as 200-300 feet on North and East lines. Thanks! - Mike Curtis
Glenn commented
The public and private land boundaries software should be made for both TNP desktop, and higher end (Garmin Montana 600 GPS) GPS units.This is because In my region, those who most need this data include archaeologists, hunters of all types, and those who study or search for Civil War artifacts in our many nearby battlefields and encampments. Most of these folks would not purchase this capability for IPODs or cell phones as their power degrades far to quickly, and they are just not tough enough for woods use. If this software is adapted to support desktops (trip planning) and high end recreational GPS,s I'd purchase it. If it is not, I think you will miss a very significant and large niche market for the product. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
Anonymous commented
Adding property boundaries to TNP is important as a time saver for us map makers in various professions. Having this capacity on the mobile app is helpful, in the ground, but we work with ground info putting it onto parcel maps. Help!