TNP Desktop Software
62 results found
Add public and private land overlay
I would like to see a way to show various forms of public/private land on my map display on the TNP desktop.
33 votesParcel layers are now available as a add-on tier for TNP 10.2. For details, please see: -
I would like to buy a DESKTOP version of your soft ware. Please advise me how that can be accomplished without having to navigate a maze .
I want to buy a desktop version of your software but cannot navigate your maze like website.
1 voteWe have redesigned our web site to make our product offerings easier to understand.
Allow the "street name" layer within the "street layer" to be turned on and off
Right now I can turn the "street layer" on or off. But I cannot turn the "street name" within the "street layer" on or off. it is always on. It would be nice to turn the street name on or off. Right now if place a waypoint on a street, it can be obscured by the street name. The map can also become very busy by having waypoints or other map symbols and the street name. Another reason to turn off the street name is being able to export a clean map to use in a guide.
4 votesVersion 11.04 of Terrain Navigator Pro – released 12/5/2017 includes this new feature. Not only can the street label and roadway be turned on/off independently, we’ve added color and sizing options too!
25 votes
The ability to use Polygons in the print legend Has been added in the 10.3 release of TNP, which is now available for download.
Find for lakes and streams
The new version appears to list duplicate lakes and streams based on elevation. This is not helpful In Minnesota with 10,000 plus lakes and thousands of streams. The old version based on nearest town for duplicate names was much more useful. The new version also does not find lakes as well as the old version.
2 votesVersion 10.0 of TNP corrects this issue – with updated GNIS data.
Have the name of the topo on the map
Please have the name of the topographic map on my map, that is why I am on your website, but now I am leaving disappointed.
2 votesTerrain Navigator Pro displays the map name on the titlebar across the top of the main application window. The map name can also be retrieved using the Information Tool. On printed maps, the map name can be included in a summary or text page block.
Have a way to save legends made for specific maps.
Have a way to save legends made for specific maps.
2 votesThis is already possible by saving a Print Template. Check out the Templates tab in the Print window and the help topics on Print Templates for more information.
34 votes
This is a new feature of TNP 11, released 12/1/2016.
Add contours to aerial photos
Contours could be calculated (easily) by TNP as SHP from existing (or future updated higher res.) DEM (MTH) files and made available (perhaps by quad or 1/4-quad) as overlays that can be added to a Project and displayed and printed on aerials, with all the flexibility of overlay display. (Alternatively, the contours might be calculated dynamically.)
17 votesThis is a new feature of TNP 11, released 12/1/2016.
convert tracks to polygons
If a polygon gets lost or deleted or is just not available any more, and you want to recreate it from a track that was created by converting a polygon to a track (i.e. SAR search segments, parcels, etc), it would be good to have an option to convert tracks to polygons - if the track meets a few basic criteria of being a well-formed polygon with a reasonable number of points
2 votesThis feature has been added to TNP 10.0.
Add Chains as a unit of measurement
Common measurement unit used in / on fires. 1 chain = 66 feet
11 votesVersion 10.4 of TNP, now available, supports Chains (along with a pile of other new measurement standards.)
I need a simple printout for each of my projects of a. route coordinates, b. marker coordinates. These are for permnanent report records.
Allow a simple printout of a. route coordinates, b. marker coordinates. Is this possible with TNP now?
2 votesThis is already possible. In the Print window, open the Pages tab and turn on the option to include layer information pages.
Not an idea but why is the map window black and not showing terrain?
Is your server down or something? My terrain window is black!
2 votes -
Convert Range Ring to Track/Route - Allow Fill/Loop Function for Range Ring
I use Range Rings to delineate center pivots on maps. Would be very useful to be able to use the Fill/Loop function to place a grid in the ring in the same way as a looped track/route.
2 votes -
Exporting Photos and Quad by "Current View"
When exporting the Photos and Quads it would be more efficient if a user could pick the "current view" rather than trying to pick the same view they are looking at in the small overall window.
2 votesThis is a new feature of TNP 11, released 12/1/2016.
Enterprise Edition of the Mobile App
Absoutely needed to make this app useful for SAR work. Limiting the number of mobile phone to 1 or 5 or even 10, precludes its use for team operations. Even if you have to charge a modest fee (.99 to 2.99) for each app beyond a certain number (5?), we can't limit the number of devices.
3 votesTNP 10.0 Enterprise is now available!
1 vote
Use my own Base maps
Instead of using the USGS topos and Aerial photos, I would like to import my own maps.
19 votesThis is a new feature of TNP 11, released 12/1/2016.
You should make a true Polygon tool that includes the ability to copy/paste/move entire polygon (without altering shape.)
6 votes -
Auto Open Map (Bookmark) for Project
When a project is loaded (in My Projects) it would be great if closing that window would automatically open the map to a previously saved location (such as a Bookmark.)
2 votes