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TNP Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)

52 results found

  1. More Marker Types - Mobile App

    It would be very helpful to have a library of marker types to select from on the mobile app. When I have 10 - 30 people using it and creating Marks, it gets very confusing when they all look the same.

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  2. Buffering a line

    Is there any way to allow buffering for a line? I have maps where I am following creeks with a track. The creek will have a buffer on one or both sides. Right now, I have to meticulously retrace over my line to close the track in order to buffer. Can you create a tool to buffer an unclosed line?

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  3. Allow the mobile to display different colors for tracks

    It would be nice if the tracks imported in the colors seen/set in the desktop version of that imported track, they all seem to import in blue. One example of why this is important would be having a project boundary be colored red, but existing road/trail systems yellow and a proposed pipeline blue. To make use of that track data on one project colors are vital.

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  4. Search/Goto

    When you click on the search button and put in the UTM's you should be able to click a button to Goto coordinates

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. Marker symbol and color

    I'd like the same marker symbol and color options that I have on the desktop also be available on the mobile app. And changes need to be synchronized, too.

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  7. Overlay Support (Shapefiles)

    TNP desktop supports shapefiles through overlays. Any chance that you can add overlay synchronization to the mobile device?

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    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
  8. Add Synch Now button.

    I never know when the mobile app is going to synchronize. Please add a "Synchronize Now" button somewhere that is easy to find.

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  9. Landscape display

    I like my maps wider, not taller. Any chance you could support landscape view on my phone?

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  10. Copy/paste markers and tracks between projects

    I'd like to be able to copy and paste layers (markers, tracks, etc.) from one project to another within the mobile app.

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  11. User Defined Drop Down List for Prefix Labelling

    Be able to preselect from a drop down list a set of user defined prefixes to same time when labelling markers.

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  12. Elevation not updating in Information screen in Android App

    In the Information screen the Elevation field does not seem to update while I am recording a track - the elevation value stays "stuck" on what ever elevation I was at when I began recording the track. If I stop recording the track the elevation field will update to whatever the current elevation is. I have experienced this problem with several versions of the app on several different Android devices. It would be great to have this fixed so that the elevation continuously updates while recording tracks.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Reset Data on Information Page When Not Logged In

    Our search and rescue team has many more members than logins, so we only have teams log in during deployments. So that we can train with the software and gain familiarity, we need to be able to reset the data on the information page (distance, pace, average speed, etc.) while not logged in to an account. I believe deleting the default active project should accomplish this, but I cannot find how to do that, either.

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  15. Save downloaded maps to external SD Card

    Please.......make it so you can save the downloaded maps, mappacks, to the EXTERNAL SD CARD.......

    The INTERNAL SD CARD in the phone has LIMITED SPACE......

    A EXTERNAL SD CARD can have as much as 64gb or more.....

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  16. Measure Tool on Android App font size tool small and unreadable

    Cannot read the measurement on smart phone app. Needs to be larger

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  17. Use of same vehicle route tool in the Mobile App

    In the desktop/web version you can create routes between waypoints using roads. Rather than the straight line distance it will show you the route you need to take using roads. There have been many times that I would have loved to have this on my phone. You cannot create such custom routes using Google Maps, which is why I turn to TNP. If I want to drive to 5 different waypoints stretched over many miles of roads, I can use that route tool and it will plot the routes I need using roads. This tool is EXCELLENT! And it would…

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    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
  18. Support for goTenna

    On searches or other group-oriented activities it would be nice to collect locations and perhaps tracks from individual devices. goTenna should allow for collection of coordinates and perhaps creation of tracks from multiple devices in the field. Color coding would be great per device. Since goTenna works with both android and iphone devices seems like a good fit. Perhaps collection of texts per device could be useful in certain activities.

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    We reached out to GoTenna several times when they first announced their product – asking if they were planning a Windows API so that we could interface to it and use it in our Team Tracking module. They never responded to us.

    Anyone who would like to see this functionality should contact GoTenna and to let them know that you desire compatibility with Terrain Navigator Pro, so that they will consider partnering with us.

  19. Add a marker search feature in the active project window of the tnp mobile app.

    I have over 200 markers in one "Project". Please add a search feature in the active project window of the tnp mobile app. As it is now I have to scroll through entire list looking for the marker I need.

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  20. I have over 200 markers in one "Project". Please list the markers alphabetically.

    I have over 200 markers in one "Project". Please list the markers alphabetically in the active project window of the tnp mobile app. As it is now I have to scroll through entire list looking for the marker I need.

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TNP Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)


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